
Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Calling All Senophiles



Winter Moon

Brightly the moon like a jewel is beaming,
White in the east, o’er a lone landscape gleaming,
Over the meadows and over the snow,
Glimmering, shimmering, silvery glow.

Low in the east, when the gloaming is ending,
Slowly this white winter moon is ascending.
Looming so large and appearing so nigh,
Satellite framed by a star-spangled sky.

High in the sky with soft radiance teeming,
Nigh to the time when men, women are dreaming,
Weird is her splendour on valley and hill,
Cold is her gleam upon river and rill.

Brightly the moon like a jewel is shining,
White in the west she is slowly declining,
Beautiful moon! Which beams gorgeous and grand
Over the homes of our own Native Land.

– Charles Nevers Holmes

The moon is at its fullest and most beautiful tonight. Known as the Snow Moon because February was (and still is in some places) a time of heavy snow, it also has several other names. Click here to find out more.

Click here to find out about the bright star Regulus that sits just below the moon this evening.

Folklore and myths about full moons abound, but there does seem to be evidence that the current Snow Moon can affect your sleep pattern. Click here to read more.

Click here for quotes about the moon.

Writing prompts:

  • If you can, go outside this evening and observe the Snow Moon, then return to the warmth, sit down and write for six minutes about whatever comes into your head.
  • It's been a long time since we had really deep snow. Write about a memory you have of snow, using all your senses to describe that time.
  • Are you a good sleeper? Do you think your sleeping pattern may have been altered by the moon's phases? Write about your experience of sleep. 

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