
Wednesday 8 May 2024

Get Out and Breathe!

"Spring won't let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again." 

(Gustav Mahler)

 "Spring is the time of plans and projects." (Leo Tolstoy)

"The deep roots never doubt spring will come." 

(Marty Rubin) 

Today, at last, it really did feel like Spring. As I was out doing jobs in the garden the sun was shining, it was warm, the sky was blue and the birds were singing. Snails and slugs had reappeared, a blackbird was busily darting too and fro collecting material for her nearby nest and I spotted newts again in our pond. 

It was a perfect afternoon to sit in my private corner and do a 'Sounds and Thoughts' mindfulness meditation. Click here if you would like to try the meditation yourself. 

Click here to listen to the first part of Mahler's wonderful first symphony which begins with a slow introduction representing the gradual awakening of nature from a long winter's sleep.

Writing Prompts:

  • Have you had a need this week to get out of the house and into the fresh air? Write about how it felt and what signs of Spring you experienced.
  • What 'plans and projects' have you got in mind this Spring, if any? Explore them in your writing.
  • It's a yearly miracle how plants, that have been dormant and hidden all winter, suddenly burst through the earth with new shoots and quickly start to grow again.  Have you woken up yet this Spring and started to grow, or would you prefer to stay dormant and underground? Either way, describe how you feel.  
Please can I encourage you to share your writing, or leave a comment. Thank you. 

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