
Friday 1 January 2021

A Welcome 'Fair Maid'


The Snowdrop

(Alfred, Lord Tennyson)

Many, many welcomes,

February fair-maid,

Ever as of old time,

Solitary firstling,

Coming in the cold time,

Prophet of the gay time,

Prophet of the May time,

Prophet of the roses,

Many, many welcomes,

February fair-maid!

What a joy it is to see snowdrops in my garden on the first day of the year. My 'solitary firstling' is therefore a January, rather than a February 'fair-maid'. I expect to see many more flowering next month. As Tennyson tells us, this hardy little flower, valiantly pushing its way up through the frost, is indeed a prophet, foretelling better things to come in early summer.

Does the snowdrop know something we don't? Will most of us have been vaccinated against the Corona Virus by then? Let's hope so. 

Writing Prompt:

  • At the start of this new year, what are your hopes for the next twelve months? What positive experiences are you looking forward to? What would you like to change in your personal life, or in the world? 
Explore these questions in your writing for six minutes. Don't plan or edit your writing. Don't worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation - just keep writing. If you get stuck write the words "I hope for ..." and see what comes.

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