
Sunday 3 January 2021

Pause and Breathe

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

Listening to the news on the radio this morning, I found myself beginning to feel anxious. The new, mutated virus is spreading rapidly, further restrictions seem to be on the horizon and it's hard not to get caught up in the stories of those working on the front line with Covid patients.

One way to deal with such anxious feelings is to stop worrying about the future and to return to the present moment. The sun is shining this morning, and there is a clear blue sky; it's time to pause and be more mindful. 

Here is a link to a website that gives useful advice about Mindfulness and managing stress during the Covid pandemic. 

Here is Thich Nhat Hanh's 'breathing poem' poem that tells us "Healing is possible through resting."

In, out.
Deep, slow.
Calm, ease.
Smile, release.
Present moment,
Wonderful moment.

Writing prompt:
  • Try pausing for a moment and focusing on the breath. How does it feel? Write about it.

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