
Friday 29 January 2021


"A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not."

Ernest Hemingway

My cats are bored, and they let us know it! They hate this cold damp weather, and currently spend 22 hours out of 24 curled up together in their basket next to the warm kitchen radiator. Apart from the occasional quick dash to the back garden, the remaining time is spent pestering for, eating, then complaining that they don't get enough biscuits. 

They find a newly-emptied cardboard box worthy of investigation, and we enthusiastically try to entertain with ping pong balls, rolled up bits of newspaper, pencils, pastry brushes, toffee wrappers dangling from pieces of string. They reluctantly deign to respond with a few short bursts of energy, but then we are met with those familiar look of disdain, and it's back to the basket for some hard-earned sleep.

Writing prompt:

  • Are you, like my cats, bored silly during lock-down? What is your 'empty cardboard box' or 'toffee wrapper' moment?  Write for seven minutes about what distracts or entertains you.
  • If you have pets, how are they responding to you being at home more than usual? Write about these strange times from the viewpoint of your pet. 
  • Are you, as Ernest Hemingway (above) suggests hiding your feelings? If you were a cat, what would you be telling your owner right now?

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