
Wednesday 27 January 2021

Holocaust Memorial Day

Photo by David Tomaseti on Unsplash

First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me

by Pastor Martin Niemöller

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day. You can click here or on the other links to find out more. 

Writing prompt:

  • If you can, light candle and as you look at it, take a few deep breaths. Let your mind become calm and your body still. Read the poem by Pastor Niemöller and, if you choose, explore the information found by clicking on the links. Set a timer and write for six minutes.
  • At a time when we also mark the deaths with Covid of 100,000 people in the UK, how do we remember those who have died? Is it a good idea to do so? Write from your own experience for six minutes. 

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