
Friday 15 January 2021

What Pulls At Your Soul?

"What in your life is calling you, when all the noise is silenced, the meeting adjourned ... the lists laid aside and the wild iris blooms by itself in the dark forest. What still pulls on your soul?"   Rumi

What kind of a day have you had? I'm extremely lucky, mine has been quiet: no work, no phones constantly ringing, no tv blaring, no one demanding my attention, no small children clinging to my ankles. Yet for some things will have been very different: supermarket checkout assistants; front line staff on Covid wards; care home staff looking after those with dementia; teachers delivering lessons online; lone parents trying to home-school three small children, all at different ages, with a toddler thrown into the mix! 

But when the noise and busyness has stopped, perhaps at the end of the day, and you have a moment to reflect, 'what still pulls at your soul?'

Writing prompt: 
  • When everything else is quietened, "what in your life is calling you?" Rumi asked this question back in the thirteenth century; try to answer it now in your writing. Give yourself complete freedom, no holds barred and let the words flow. No one will see what you've written, so you can say whatever you want. Give yourself seven minutes.

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