
Monday 18 January 2021

Breaking the Monotony

 Photo by Slidebean on Unsplash

"The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind." (Albert Einstein)

Some may welcome this quieter life forced upon us by lock-down, but it can get monotonous. Days and weeks go by, each one much like the last, and if you are alone, it must be hard to break that monotony.

Yet I wonder if, like Einstein, you are finding these enforced conditions stimulating? I'm not suggesting that you might come up with something revolutionary, like his theory of relativity, but does the quiet, calm and solitude give you some head space to get your creative juices flowing?

Writing Prompt:
Although things might seem monotonous, before you go to bed tonight, think about your day and write about:
  • something that surprised you 
  • something that delighted you
  • something that saddened you
  • something that inspired you
  • something that frightened you
  • something you did that was creative
  • something you did that was routine
  • something you did that totally absorbed you
  • something you did that excited you
Please share your thoughts below in the comments box. If you are not sure how to do this, go to 'Using the Blog' on the top right of the blog page. 

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