
Sunday 21 February 2021

'Clothes Maketh the Man'

Upon Julia’s Clothes’  by Robert Herrick

Whenas in silks my Julia goes,
Then, then, methinks, how sweetly flows
The liquefaction of her clothes …

The extract from this little poem by Robert Herrick reminds us how sexy clothes can be, but I wonder when was the last time you wore 'silks'? Have Covid restrictions and 'Zoom' meetings resulted in you adopting a new dress code? Are you still secretly sporting pyjamas at lunchtime, or wearing the same jogging bottoms and favourite old jumper day after day? Or maybe your standards haven't dropped and you make a daily effort to look your best, even though you know you're not going to see anyone?

In March I am going to my first socially-distanced wedding. The ceremony will be short, the number of of guests small and there will be no reception afterwards, but I am already getting excited about the prospect of wearing a dress and fascinator!

Our clothing says so much about us as people. Use the prompts below to find out what they say about you.

"Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing." 

Writing Prompts:
  • Has your dress code changed during lock-down?
  • Describe a time, real or imaginary, when you've donned 'silks', or something similarly sexy. What was the effect ?
  • What is your favourite piece of clothing? What does it look like?Why is it your favourite? Where did it come from? What do other people think about it? What does it say about you?
  • What kind of clothes did you wear as a teenager? Were they different from what you wear now?
  • Are you waiting for an opportunity, post-Covid lock-down, to get 'dressed up'? If so, what will you wear?

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