
Wednesday 3 March 2021

'Cratered by Imperfections'

Photo by Marty McGuire on Unsplash

'Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.' Tahereh Mafi

Over the centuries many poets have been fascinated by the moon, especially a full moon. We've already had a 'Wolf Moon' in January and a 'Snow Moon' in February; the next full moon, sometimes known as the 'Worm Moon' will be on March 28. Click here to find out more information about moons on the wonderful Royal Museums Greenwich website.

The idea that the lunar cycle can influence people’s behaviour dates back thousands of years. Read more here.

Listen to Ella Fitzgerald singing about a 'Blue Moon' here.

Writing Prompts:

  • Write about a time when you have been 'weak and wan'.
  • Write about a time when you have been 'strong and full of light'. 
  • Is the human condition, at the moment (as suggested in the quote above), one of being 'uncertain and alone'? Write for six minutes, whether you agree or disagree.
  • Are you 'cratered by imperfections'? If so, what are they?


  1. cratered by imperfections

    created by imperfections
    its like an acne i have hidden inside
    tiny little potholes that i tried to cover and hide
    until one day i woke up
    and just knew it was time to reveal,
    to fix each little crater
    and to do that
    i had to be brave enough to heal
    i started my terrifying journey
    and i was strong enough to push
    causing each little crater
    to become a gyser and gush
    and at the end i came to realise
    my craters were part of my genes
    i was not cratered by imperfections
    i had been created by them it would seem
    i have kept one or two craters
    ive had them so long you see
    they are a little gentle reminder
    and strangely a comfort now to me <3

    1. Oh my goodness, I love this poem and I've only just seen it. For some reason I have not been getting notifications of posts. I think I've corrected that in my settings now. I don't know who you are, but I'm so glad that you found the blog post a trigger for poetry. Please send me some more.

  2. The moon certainly has an influence on the Earth, and its inhabitants.

  3. Watch out when there's the next full moon my Rob - there may be lunatics close by!
