
Tuesday 2 March 2021

Just Take the First Step

The way ahead still seems uncertain. We have cause for optimism with so many people in this country already being vaccinated, but no one is quite sure how things will pan out later in the year. Yet does it really matter? I think I've concluded over these past twelve months that it's not necessary, or even advisable, to plan too far ahead. It's usually been enough simply to decide which route to take for my walk, or to plan what we're going to have for tea.

I'm sure there must be some people, especially the elderly, who have been wisely staying at home and not going very far over the past year. For them, the prospect of getting out and about and leading a 'normal' life again must seem quite challenging. Where do you begin? Sometimes things we have to tackle in the future seem so enormous, or daunting, that we procrastinate and never make a start. 

I remember a neighbour of mine, a man in his sixties, having a terrible accident on his motorbike. He was seriously injured, spent several weeks in hospital and was lucky to escape with his life. When he came home he could barely move, but with dogged determination he began to practise walking again, taking just one or two steps to start with, then slowly building up, going for short walks every day and in all weathers. Now he is fully mobile again.

Writing Prompt:

  • What small step will you take today? Write about it, before and after.
  • Make a list of seven small things you hope to achieve this week, one each day. It might be as simple as phoning a friend, or walking round the block. At the end of the week, write about how it went. Did you manage to do those seven small things, or did something stop you? Either way, write about how you feel.

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