
Tuesday 15 October 2024

Global Wave of Light
"When you are sorrowful look again into your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight."

The Prophet – Khalil Gibran
Today is Global Wave of Light 2024 - an annual observance that honours and remembers babies who have died during pregnancy, childbirth, or infancy. 
It is 41 years since I had a miscarriage - April 9th, 1983 - but the memory of that awful event is still with me. So profound was the effect of losing my first baby, that I afterwards spent ten years as a telephone contact for the Miscarriage Association, listening to other women's stories of baby loss, and trying to offer a sympathetic ear. I also set up a support group for parents at the Bradford Royal Infirmary.
At the time, miscarriage was still a taboo subject. Indeed, it wasn't until my own miscarriage that my mum revealed she too had experienced two, but had never felt able to talk about them with anyone.

I regard myself lucky to have lost only one baby. Many women experience multiple miscarriages. On the day I eventually had my first child, by Caesarean section, the women who went to surgery just before me had had 12. 

Last Wednesday (October 9th) the Government announced that everyone who has experienced pregnancy loss—regardless of when it occurred—can now apply for a certificate that formally acknowledges their loss. I'm thinking of applying for one. 

Click here to access help after miscarriage. Click here for help after stillbirth. Click here for help after the death of a baby.

Writing prompts:
  • Have you experienced the loss of a baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or infancy? Set a timer for six minutes and write about it. Write quickly, without stopping or editing.
  • All of us will experience grief at some point in our lives. If you can, write about someone you have grieved for. Set a timer for six minutes.
  • When was the last time someone lent you a sympathetic ear? Write down what happened and how it helped you.

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