
Sunday 24 January 2021

What Do You Miss?

Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

I used to have a bucket list: seeing the Northern Lights, learning to fly a plane, scuba diving off a coral reef, taking a Greyhound bus across the US. In the middle of lock down, the things on my list now seem rather unimportant. They might be achievable before I die, who knows, but my focus recently has narrowed somewhat. 

Despite constant attempts to express gratitude for what I actually have, and to live in the moment, I can't help thinking about the things I'm no longer allowed to do. I'm not planning too far ahead, but at the back of my mind I have a short-term bucket list of priority activities post-lock down.

It goes without saying that hugging my children and grandchildren is top priority,  but high on the list is being able to go for a coffee. 

My favourite venue, Cafe 139, is currently closed. I've been trying to support local cafes by regularly getting a take-away flat white, but it's not the same as sitting down at a table, relaxing, listening to the background buzz, maybe writing my journal, or better still chatting with a friend. So many arrangements to meet up for a chat have had to be postponed.

Other short-term priorities are going to my local cinema, Elland Rex, hearing some live music and driving to the seaside. 

Writing prompt:
  • What will you do, once the lock down restrictions have been lifted? Make a list, then choose one thing on that list to write about in more detail. Explain why it is important and what you have missed about this particular activity; how will it make you feel? Share your thoughts in the comments box below.

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