
Saturday 27 February 2021

'The Crocuses Were First'

 from The Crocuses

They heard the South wind sighing
A murmur of the rain;
And they knew that Earth was longing
To see them all again.

While the snow-drops still were sleeping
Beneath the silent sod;
They felt their new life pulsing
Within the dark, cold clod.

Not a daffodil nor daisy
Had dared to raise its head;
Not a fair-haired dandelion
Peeped timid from its bed;

Though a tremor of the winter
Did shivering through them run;
Yet they lifted up their foreheads
To greet the vernal sun.

And the sunbeams gave them welcome.
As did the morning air
And scattered o'er their simple robes
Rich tints of beauty rare.

Soon a host of lovely flowers
From vales and woodland burst;
But in all that fair procession
The crocuses were first.

Walkers have been stopping to take photos of the little display of crocuses and daffodils on the green outside our house. In the morning the crocuses lift their heads and open their petals wide to greet the sun. They are so simple, but so beautiful. (Did you know that saffron, derived from the crocus, is the world's most expensive spice?)

Writing Prompt:
  • Look at the picture of our crocuses and write about them for six minutes.
  • Despite the simplicity of this flower and this poem, the poet Frances Ellen Watkins Harper did not have a simple life. Her story is inspirational. Click on her name at the end of the poem to read more about her and then write down any thoughts. 
  • Despite still feeling the 'tremor of the winter' these valiant little flowers dared to raise their heads when others were not brave enough to do so. Write about a time in your life when you have dared to raise your head and speak up when others were too afraid and remained silent.

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